Behavior Questions?

1 What's your biggest weakness?
My biggest weakness is that when I am working on one task. It's very hard to take my thoughts out from the current task. When I try to shift myself to another task, all the thoughts in my head are on the previous task. I need to spend longer time to adjust myself to the new task. So at one time, it's very hard for me to work with multi-task. At a conversation with my friend, she told me she has the same problem, and her solution is that she work on one task for three days and then shift to another one for several days. The strategy is not to shift too frequently, which also works for me.

2 What's your most challenging time in your Ph.D.?
In the beginning of my fourth year of Ph.D. program. Almost all the Ph.D. students were enrolled with me in the same year has published one or two papers, but I don't have any because my experiments were always not as good as the baseline. I am very struggled and even depressed. I begin to think should I quit my Ph.D. program?

Then I think I should do something. I went to my advisor's office and talked with her many times. I also begin to reflect myself. I realized that I was not fully motivated in my Ph.D. program. In most of the time, I just follow the instructions of my advisor. She gave me direction and gave me ideas. I should more motivated. Actually, I already have some my own ideas. Then I went to talk with my advisor again. I told her all my struggle and concerns. I will continue to do the current work, but at the same time, I want to do something I am interested in. Of course, she agreed with me. Then condition become to change. I am more motivated and make some progress

3 Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
In the first one or two years, I think I have a lot things to learn. I need learn the new knowleage and tools in the industry. Learn how to adjust myself in the industry working enviroment. At the same time, I will work hard and do the contribution to the company. I hope I can develop some cool products with my talented coleagues. If I have the opportunity, I want to be a mentor, so if I have opportunity, I hope I can coach the new recruited coleagues and grow with compnay together.

4 For each project, please give a challenge and how did you solve it?


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